Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Camera

My new camera came in the mail today. I wish what I had more time so I could see what it can do. Now back to trying to get an internship.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back to school

Spring break is over today. :( I have to go back to school on Monday, I'm not looking forward to it because I won't be able to work on making plushies for a while. But at least I can still work on patterns. I still have the fish pattern that I want to try out. I think I have it done right but it still might need some work.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mini Cubies

Mini Cubies are about 1/4 the size of a regular Cubie. (Mark5 wanted me to make the Cubies even smaller so they can go on a keychains.) The Mini Cubies still need eyes, I did not have googly eye small enough for them yet. Also I want to use them as color swatches for my shop but I need my new camera to get here first. It is a Nikon Coolpix 5400. I got it used off of amazon.com, it comes with a lot of extras so I don't mind that it is used. Plus, getting it used saved me like $300. ^_^ I can't wait until it gets here. I still need to build a photo booth tho.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Turtle! Turtle! Turtle!

I just finished my turtle. I made the pattern last night and finished sewing it up today. I took more pictures of it. It is so cute! ^_^ I tried to make one that had a shell but it did not come out right. I think that the pattern was just too small. When I can get to a printer to print a new one out, I'll try again. Now I'm off to make a fish.!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I started a Facebook fan page for ParanoidSquirrel a while ago but I did not do much with it. But now that I am going to have a table at Technolust I thought that I should start working on getting fans and see what produces people would be interested in. It seams like people want to see emoticon faces on the Cubies. I'll let you know how they turn out.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Need to fix it

The sewing machine is broken again. :(  I don't know what was wrong with it, but it started working again an hour after trying to fix it. I hope that it won't break again.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Finally organized!

I finally got organized. Yarn in one box fabric in another. ^_^ It's way better than having everything in plastic bags. I could not find anything. I still need to get another box to put finished projects in. So far I have made eight cubies but I still need to stuff four of them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First post

Hi! I'm JuJu. I decided to start a blog to let people know what projects I'm working on. Right now I'm working on making plushies. Here is one of the Cubies that I am working on. I have a lot to get done for Technolust. I'm going to be vending. To see what I currently have for sale go to ParanoidSquirrel.etsy.com. If you are on facebook visit my fan page for ParanoidSquirrel.