Sunday, June 27, 2010


Technolust was so much fun and so much work! I now have enough inventory that I can now vend at events. This picture is of Dollhouse and my booth. She was watching it for me then I went to watch my boyfriends set. I will have the pictures of this event up soon, so check back later for the links.

Technolust Pictures

Yay! I have all of the Technolust pictures up. It took for ever to get everything done. Taking pictures at parties still is weird for me. I don't want to be in peoples faces when I take pictures but I kind of have to to get a good shot. when I get more comfortable with it I will have more close-ups. The photos are up on Facebook and flickr. (If you want a picture without the watermark, just ask and I will email it to you.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Technolust in two days!

I hope to see everyone there! I will be vending by the door, so come and say hi!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Dong Supermarket

One of my friends wanted to find giant pocky. I told him that I would look for it in A Dong Supermarket.  He did not believe a store would be named that, so I took a picture of their sign. But the Asian food store near my school is called A Dong Supermarket and they do not have giant pocky. :(

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I was trying practice with my camera to get good close up shots. As you can see it did not work that well, but the plant is still cool. It is a little pine tree.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Find Me This Pen!!!

When I was in elementary school I bought a bunch of candy pens that look like this one. I only have one left and  is running out of ink! I want to get more of these that write in black and blue (this one had blue ink). They came in different colors and different scents.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I have been wanting to make labels for a really long time but have never gotten around to it. I made the image for my labels over six months ago and I finally gathered together every thing I thought I needed. I was going to originally I was going to put the labels on to fabric but I did not have anything that would not fray. The only thing I had was felt.  I never though that it would work but it was all I had so I figured I'd give it  a try. The iron on took way longer then the directions said, plus if the iron on is still warm it will rip the iron on apart. So I needed to let it cool. After a couple of minutes the backing came off easily. Now I have my own labels!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I stuffed 16 Cubies! Now I need to put faces on all of them. To see what they will look like and to help me name them go to my facebook fan page, ParanoidSquirrel.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So Many Cubies

I have so many Cubies to make. Here are just a few of the Cubies, I still need to stuff these. Also, I ran out of googly eyes. I need to get more. I am also trying to make labels. I'll let you know how that goes. ttyl <3

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cat Ears: Done for Now

I have all the pairs of Car Ears ready for Technolust. It is about two weeks away! Now Back to work.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dollhouse has her radish!

Dollhouse now has her radish. I gave it to her over the weekend. I was funny see her try to find things in my sewing box (it's a mess, I need to clean it). Now it is finished. Yay!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bacon Explosion

This is the bacon explosion that was made at one of my friends houses for a BBQ. It was so good. When it was being made everyone in the house just sat there watching it being formed. To see all of the pictures I took when it was being made click here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hello Kitty Cat Hat

This is the Hello Kitty Cat Hat that  I made for a custom order. It came out so well the I decided to add it to my etsy shop.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Run! Attack Squirrel!

This is a sign that I found at my school.