Sunday, October 31, 2010


Lol, I think it looks like an octopus. I wish that I had some googly eyes on put on it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Welcome to My World?

I was this in the computer lab at work. Why does it have a question mark at the end?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hard Hits: October '10 Pictures

Hard Hits October pictures are up. The photos are up on Facebook and flickr.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oh No!

My brother found this picture. I think it is hilarious! I think that the animal is a sugar something or other (lol). But they really look like they are freaking out. I think that it is a book but I cannot find where to get the book. If anyone finds out please let me know.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today at work I packed boxes of used ink cartages to be sent back for recycling. There were so many I thought that the tower was going to fall on me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Midterms Run!!!!

Midterms are coming up soon. :( This is just a small part of a formula sheet for my soils class. This is going to take hours. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Minecraft: My First Skin

I made a skin for Minecraft! It is not really good but I made it. :)
(Sorry about the pic being so small.)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beer at School?

When I was working on helpdesk this week I noticed that one of the animated smiley faces is drinking a beer. This would be okay except for the fact that I noticed this when I was in an elementary school. lol. That just made  it hilarious.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rainbow Hat

One of my friends, Remy, wanted me to make a copy his hat. I think that I got it close. My stitches are longer so I could not fit all of the colors in the same way but it still looks good.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

24 Inch Wizard

I finally found a place for my 24 inch wizard. Yay!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Locks Cannot Stop Me

At work today I need to bring a iMac to a classroom. The only problem was that the iMac had a lock on it and no one knew the combination. I had to take apart the desk to get the computer off of it. The lock is still on the computer but at least I was able to put the computer in the room that needed it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mini Ravioli

Mini cheese ravioli?!?!?!? It looks like doll food! They are so tiny, they're about the size of a dime.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Garden

I try to have a garden every year but it always fails somehow. This year squirrels ate my garden. They only ate the leaves so all of the green beans were okay but I only got a few. I started my garden by planting sunflowers, green beans, pumpkins, and cucumbers. The squirrels ate all of the leaves from all of the plants. I don't know how I even got the small amount of green beans at the end of the summer. I guess I need to plant my garden farther away from all of the trees next year.