Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Computer Bug

Ant on computer = computer bug!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best Calculator Ever!

I was wrong. This is the best calculator ever! It can't help you with math, but it does tell you to have a "happy day".

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Crayon Calculator

I guess I'm going to talk about crayons this week. lol. I think that this is the best calculator I have ever found. It can only do basic math, but the buttons are crayons! I don't think that a calculator can get cooler than this one.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

They sharpen crayons now?

At work I saw the weariest thing, a crayon sharpener. Why do kids need to sharpen their crayons? Crayons are better when they are not sharp. The tip just breaks off and then you would have to sharpen it again. Also, this crayon sharpener is electric!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball was a blast! I left an hour or two before it got shut down. I don't have the details on why yet, but I hope I find out soon. The photos are up on Facebook and flickr.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hard Hits Video: June

Hard Hits June video is up!!! (click here to see it) It was a lot of fun to film. I cant wait to see what Zombie will do with the footage from July and August.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wasp Nest

I saw this when I was walking around outside. (I think it is a wasp nest.) It is about the size of a golf ball. I wish that I had a better camera other then my cell to take a picture of it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Technolust fliers

I thought I would give new life to the Technolust fliers that are just sitting in Tre's room. These ones I sewed together to make a template for the 1 foot Cubie I am making for Bb and Pkat. I still need to cut out the template. Now back to work! ^_^

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is it just me, or do science lab cabinets make a lot of sense. They have doors that slide side-to-side so you can't hit your head on them when they are open. I think that they would be awesome in a kitchen.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


"A vehicle for gliding downhill over snow, consisting of two skis one behind the other on a metal frame, steering handlebars connected to the shorter forward ski, and a low seat attached to the longer rear ski for the rider who wears small skis for balance." - The Free Dictionary

I saw this when I was flipping through a dictionary.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


My mom always gets marigolds every year to plant in her garden. I thought that this year I would collect the seeds and plant them for her next year so she will not have to buy them. Also, I saw a project that had sees put into homemade paper. I think I will try it out as soon as I find a cheep, used blender and a screen.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sour Grape Jelly: Part Two

Here is a picture of the grape vine. I forgot to post this picture last time.
(pic of jelly)
Prepare canning jars before making the jelly.
1. Add four cups of grape juice to seven cups of sugar.
2. Bring to a rolling boil. 
3. Add pectin and boil for one minute. 
4. Remove from heat.
 Now that your jelly is complete, place in jars.
(Follow your jars directions for canning.)

 Sour Grape Jelly: Part One

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Cubie for Allison

My friend Allison gave me a bunch of her scraps, from when she makes clothes, to use for making Cubies. I thought that I would make a Cubie for her to thank her. This is what I have done so far. (I want her to pick out the face that is why it does not have one yet.) I made it out of some fabric that was from a shirt that she cut apart to make a skirt. I thought that it would be fun to have a Cubie that she can match. Lol.