Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Forth of July and Street Yarn

The forth of July fireworks in Boston were great! I had so much fun.When walking to where the fireworks where going to be, I saw a ball of yarn on the street. I pointed this out to my friends and they thought that it was strange.

After we found a place to sit, we unpacked all of our blankets and chairs. then we realized we had nothing to do for the next five hours. When trying to think of something to do, I found a crochet hook in my bag. I decided to go walk back to the subway station to try to find the ball of yarn.

Thirty minutes and a few wrong tuners later, I was back at our spot with the street yarn. And made it into a small bag. If you want this bag it is yours for free. Just pay $3.00 for shipping or you can come get it at
Hard Hits.

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