Saturday, July 31, 2010

Star Craft 2

So all of the boys are playing Star Craft 2 for the past two day and I am board out of my mind.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sour Grape Jelly: Part One

For some reason I decided to make grape jelly.  I don't really like jelly, but I do have fun making it. the reason that this is called Sour Grape Jelly is the fact that the grapes in my parents backyard never get sweet. It makes the jelly kind of tart.
Here is what I used to get the grape juice. 

1. A bowl and scissors to get the grapes.
2. A blender to cut up all of the grapes. (take them off the stems first)
3. Mesh bag to squish out all of the juice.
4. Measuring cup (it is under the mesh bag) to get the juice into the soda bottle.
5. Soda bottle to hold all of the juice.

Here is all the grape juice I collected.
Sour Grape Jelly: Part Two

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 Foot Cubie: Cutting out the fabric

This is just some of the fabric that I am using for the 3 foot Cubie. When I started cutting out the pattern I started to realize how big this project is going to be. I needed over 10 feet of room to cut out the patten but at my parents house there was only one room that was big enough to work on the 3 foot Cubie. It was kind of funny. I only have one piece cut out so far because it took an hour to draw all the lines and cut it out. I'll work on it more later.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meringue Cookies

4 egg whites, at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

35 minutes in a 275 deg. oven
Let cool in oven with door closed 

I think I made them to big. They came out kind of chewy. 
Next time I need to make them smaller or cook them longer.
Also, they came out hollow. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

3 Foot Cubie Fabric

I finally figured out how much fabric to get for the 3 foot Cubie. Right now it weighs 5 pounds. I'll give you updated at every step.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The winner is Nate!

Congratulation Nate! This is the prize he won for finding the code on For every 50 fans on my facebook fan page, I will have a treasure hunt on

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Mom's Recipe Box

This is my mom's recipe box. Recently I have decided that I am going to start making my own recipe box. I used to write all of my recipes down, but I would keep losing them. I just ordered a bamboo one from amazon. It should get here soon. :)  I will post the recipes the I use from my mom's recipe box and from other sources. I will also post a picture of how it turned out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Christmas in July

This is the soda I got out of the soda machine a work today. It is July. How long is sodas shelf life?

Sunday, July 11, 2010


ConnetiCon was a blast! I learned how to use LightJockey and I got to run the light for both dances. :) It was so much fun but I did not get that much sleep. Now time for bed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Zombieface, you're the best!

At the last Hard Hits Zombieface gave me her extra scraps. Her fabrics are ridiculous! This is the one that I am going to use to make a Cubie for myself. It is a weird fabric that seams like it was from a couch. I can't wait to start making Cubies and Keychain Cubies out of the scraps.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Forth of July and Street Yarn

The forth of July fireworks in Boston were great! I had so much fun.When walking to where the fireworks where going to be, I saw a ball of yarn on the street. I pointed this out to my friends and they thought that it was strange.

After we found a place to sit, we unpacked all of our blankets and chairs. then we realized we had nothing to do for the next five hours. When trying to think of something to do, I found a crochet hook in my bag. I decided to go walk back to the subway station to try to find the ball of yarn.

Thirty minutes and a few wrong tuners later, I was back at our spot with the street yarn. And made it into a small bag. If you want this bag it is yours for free. Just pay $3.00 for shipping or you can come get it at
Hard Hits.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Monster Googly Eye

This is the monster googly eye that I made. When I was making this all the guys thought I was crazy. I was running around the house looking for black, white, and clear plastic. First I found the clear plastic, I used a soda bottle. Then I melted it over a ramekin to form the 'bubble'. After the 'bubble' cooled, I looked around the house looking for the black and white plastic. For the black I used part of a coffee lid ans for the white a yogurt lid. To glue it all together I used a hot glue gun. I need to find a better glue. The hot glue held the 'bubble' in place, but it pops out. I hope to improve my technique so I can use the monster googly eyes on my Cubies.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Skirt

This skirt is so cute. My mom saw it when we when shopping yesterday. It was in the little kids section at the mall. I did not think that it would fit but I wanted to try it on anyways. And wouldn't you know it, it fit! I'm going to ware it to the next Hard Hits. I hope Tre likes it.